Friday, February 10, 2012

#OccupyOakland Anonymous Performed DDoS Attack On Oakland Police & Exposed Confidential Data

Another Occupy Wall Street protest by Anonymous. Previously Anonymous Hacked IACP & Exposed 600 MB of Personal Data and this time the target was Oakland police. Members of the 'hacktivist' launched a DDOS attack that brought down the main web site of the Oakland Police Department for much of last night, cracked at least part of the security on an Oakland city government server and posted information on the names and data structure of Oakland city servers and the names, addresses and other personal data on Oakland police.

Members of the group have also put out the call for more hacked data and offered a $1,000 reward for specific data on the officer who fired the riot-control weapon that critically injured Iraq War veteran Scott Olsen. Olsen, a former Marine who participated in the protest Tuesday night, was apparently struck in the head by either a tear-gas canister or flash-bang grenade fired by Oakland riot police during a violent effort to drive OccupyOakland protesters off the streets.

In a Press Release Anon Said:-

"#OccupyOakland has come under attack from city police, who now appear to be calling in reinforcements from Palo Alto. A protester who did two tours in Iraq is in critical condition with fractured skull and brain injury after a cop shot him in the head with a "non-lethal" weapon. A crowd of protesters were deliberately hit with a flashbang while rendering first aid to an injured protester. Police claimed in a recent press release that "no injuries" have been reported so far.

These are among the most disturbing and criminal acts to be have been proven on the part of U.S. police since NYPD officers were outed as having routinely planted drugs on suspects earlier this month. The time has come to retaliate against Oakland police via all non-violent means, beginning with doxing of individual officers and particularly higher-ups involved in the department's conduct of late.
Those willing to assist in doxing should send any found materials to To work with Anonymous, use an IRC client to join #anonops.
I'm offering a $1,000 reward, no questions asked, for the name of the officer who threw a flashbang at the injured Iraqi vet. "

To see the entire press release of Anonymous Click Here.

For more information and to see the server details and other confidential information leaked by Anon Click Here.

Exposed Names, Addresses and other Personal data of Oakland Police are Here.


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